IEEE754 Floating point conversion in C and 68k assembler

Author: Andre Adrian
Date: 2025-01-19


The very early computers worked with integer numbers and used a "fixed point" interpretation of the bit pattern. No bit set was the real number 0.000.. . All bit set was the real number 0.999.. . Today, a typical Digital Signal Processor (DSP) uses fixed point calculations. Many calculations need very small and very big numbers. One solution is to increase the number of digits in the fixed number. This is important in finance. If you are a multi billionaire, you still want a cent accurate account balance. Scientific computation uses "floating point". A larger part of a floating point bit pattern is used as "fixed point" mantissa (or fraction). A smaller part is used as exponent. The well known 32bit IEEE754 floating point number uses 24 bits for mantissa with mantissa sign and 8 bits for exponent with exponent sign.

A computer with floating point (FP) hardware can directly add, subtract, multiply IEEE754 numbers. The traditional approach for a computer without FP hardware was using one "fixed point" binary number for mantissa with mantissa sign and another integer binary number for exponent with exponent sign. The computer is totally happy with these binary, or radix 2, numbers. But, input and output needs to be done in the decimal number, or radix 10, system. The conversion of floating point numbers between radix 2 and radix 10 is done in software, even if the computer has a hardware floating point unit.

The details of FP radix conversion are tricky. The range 0 to 0.999.. for mantissa has no bit pattern for 1. The range 1 to 1.999.. has no bit pattern for 0. The IEEE754 people (the standards body) decided that a special bit pattern for 0 is better then a special bit pattern for 1. Let's convert the radix 10 FP number 1e2 to a radix 2 number. 1e2 is short notation for 10 to the power of 2 or 10^2. 10^2 is 100. We can not express the radix 10 exponent 10^2 as an radix 2 exponent integer number. The next radix 2 exponent is 2^6 or 64. Now we have the following equation: 10^2 = x*2^6. To calculate x, we divide the two exponents: 10^2 / 2^6 = 100 / 64 = 1.5625. The radix 2 representation of 10^2 is

If the mantissa is 1.5, the equation becomes 1.5*10^2 = (1.5*x)*2^6. Value x is again the division result of 10^2 / 2^6. We just have to multiply the radix 10 mantissa by the "mantissa multiplier" to get the radix 2 mantissa: 1.5*1.5625=2.34375. Now our mantissa is out of the range 1 to 1.999.. . We avoid this problem with radix 2 exponent 2^7 instead of 2^6. 1.5*10^2 = (1.5*x)*2^7. Exponent division result is 10^2 / 2^7 = 0.78125. Radix 2 mantissa is 1.5*0.78125=1.171875. The radix 2 representation of 1.5*10^2 is 1.171875*2^7. Please check with your calculator.

My floating point conversion or radix conversion subroutines use an exponent tabel (array) and a mantissa multiplier tabel, the mantissa multiplication and some specialties. For conversion from radix 10 to radix 2, I use the radix 10 exponent as index into the exponent tabel and mantissa tabel. Lets convert radix 10 FP number -1.3*10^-3. For radix 10 exponent -3 I get radix 2 exponent -10 and radix 2 mantissa multiplier 1.024. With radix 10 mantissa -1.3 the mantissa conversion calculation for radix 2  is -1.3*1.024=-1.3312. The radix 2 exponent is a look-up. Together we get -1.3*10^-3=-1.3312*2^-10. Check again.

One specialty of radix conversion is mantissa underrun or overrun. Underrun is mantissa less then 1, overrun is mantissa larger then 1.999.. . We got mantissa overrun with radix 10 FP number 1.5*10^2 and radix 2 exponent 2^6 and radix 2 mantissa multipilier 1.5625: 1.5*10^2 = 2.34375*2^6. To repair overrun, we divide the mantissa by 2 and add one to the exponent:  2.34375*2^6 = 1.171875*2^7. To repair underrun, we multiply the mantissa by 2 and subtract one from the exponent. Divide by 2 and multiply by 2 of binary numbers is done by shifting, a simple operating for a computer. "Repair the mantissa" is often called "normalize the mantissa".

Traditional Microprocessor approach

The book "Microprocessor programming for computer hobbyists" by Neill Graham from 1977 describes the traditional microprocessor approach for radix conversion. The traditional approach uses multiple multiplication or division instead of mantissa multiplication table and exponent constant table. For radix 10 to radix 2 conversion, this is the algorithm for positive radix 10 exponent:
First write the radix 10 number with integer mantissa, e.g. 1.2345*10^7 becomes 12345*10^3.
Then convert the radix 10 integer mantissa to radix 2 mantissa, e.g. 12345 becomes 0x3039 (hexadecimal).
Next to the radix 10 exponent we need a radix 2 exponent that we initialize to 2^0.
Repeat until radix 10 exponent is 10^0:
    multiply mantissa by 10, decrement the radix 10 exponent by 1
    Repeat until mantissa is normalized:
        divide mantissa by 2, increment the radix 2 exponent by 1
    End repeat
End Repeat

An example with 16 bit mantissa, 4 leading guard bits and no trailing guard bits:

1.2345*10^7 = 12345000
12345*10^3 =
0x03039*2^0*10^3 * 10 =
0x1E23A*2^0*10^2 / 2 =      // mantissa > 0xFFFF is not normalized
0x0F11D*2^1*10^2 * 10 =
0x96B22*2^1*10^1 / 2 =
0x4B591*2^2*10^1 / 2 =
0x25AC8*2^3*10^1 / 2 =
0x12D64*2^4*10^1 / 2 =
0x096B2*2^5*10^1 * 10 =
0x5E2F4*2^5*10^0 / 2 =
0x2F17A*2^6*10^0 / 2 =
0x178BD*2^7*10^0 / 2 =
0x0BC5E*2^8*10^0 = 48222*2^8 = 12344832

The radix 2 floating point number is less then the radix 10 floating point number. To reduce this systematic error, Neill Graham writes on page 151 of his book: "The technique of successive multiplication or division by 10 is not recommended unless 6 or 7 guard bits are available."
A 32 bit mantissa variable for 24 bit mantissa values has 8 guard bits. Because of multiplication by 10, we need 4 guard bits in front of the 24 bit mantissa. This allows 4 guard bits after the 24 bit mantissa.
The same example with 4 leading guard bits, 4 trailing guard bits and rounding by adding a scaled 0.5, later truncation of the trailing guard bits:

1.2345*10^7 =
12345*10^3 =
0x03039*2^0*10^3 * 16 =         // add 4 trailing guard bits
0x030390*2^0*10^3 * 10 =       
0x1E23A0*2^0*10^2 / 2 =
0x0F11D0*2^1*10^2 * 10 =
0x96B220*2^1*10^1 / 16 =
0x096B22*2^5*10^1 * 10 =
0x5E2F54*2^5*10^0 / 8 =
(0x0BC5EA+0x000008)*2^8*10^0 =  // add scaled 0.5
0x0BC5F2*2^8*10^0 / 16 =        // truncate trailing guard bits
0x0BC5F*2^8*10^0 = 48223*2^8 = 12345088

With 4 leading and 4 trailing guard bits, the result is correct for 5 decimal digits. Some small error remains between the original radix 10 floating point and the result of converting to radix 2 and back to radix 10, because log(10)/log(2) is an infinite long number starting with 3.32192809... See page 36 ff. in the Neill Graham book.

Development Environment

I use Code::Blocks as C language IDE on MS-Windows. Code::Blocks uses gcc as C compiler. EASy68K is my 68000 assembler/simulator IDE. My "real" 68000 computer is the 68k-MBC from Just4Fun. This is a Single board computer (SBC) with minimum 3 IC: the CPU 68008, a SRAM and a 40 pin PIC microcontroller as GLUE chip. Connection to the Host computer, my PC, is via an USB to UART (RS232) converter board (e.g. CP2102).

Picture: My 68k-MBC. Left module is microSD, right module is USB to UART. This is full system with 1MByte RAM and CP/M 68K from microSD card without GPIO chip.

Test program

The "proof of the pudding" of every piece of software is a test program. The EASy68K simulator simulates a BIOS, too. There are BIOS calls for ASCII string print, hexadecimal number print and more. This is the output of the test program:

The first five rows are output of asc2int and int2asc testing. The first column is the input ASCII string to the asc2int subroutine. The second column is the output of asc2int using the BIOS "print signed decimal number" subroutine. The asc2int output is also the input to the int2asc subroutine. The third column is the output of int2asc, again an ASCII string.
The other rows are output of asc2fp and fp2asc testing. First column is input to asc2fp. Second column is output of asc2fp as IEEE754 number in hexadecimal by the BIOS. Third column is output of fp2asc as an ASCII string.
Note: 7 digits of radix 10 can represent 10 million different numbers. 23 bits of radix 2 can only represent 8,388,608 different numbers. Therefore not every 7 digit radix 10 mantissa can be represented as radix 2 mantissa. You see this for example with number 9.876543e21

*test asc2int, int2asc
    lea     cascint, A2
    move.b  (A2), D0
    beq.s   .endl
        move.l  A2, A1      * print input data ASCII string
        moveq   #14, D0     * Display NULL terminated string (A1)
        trap    #15
        move.l  A2, A0      * convert ASCII to floating point
        bsr.w   asc2int
        move.w  D0, D7      * save result
        move.w  D0, D1      * print floating point as hex number
        ext.l   D1
        moveq   #8, D2
        moveq   #20, D0     * Display signed number in D1.L, width in D2.B
        trap    #15
        moveq   #' ', D1
        moveq   #6, D0      * Display single ASCII char (D1.B)
        trap    #15
        move.w  D7, D0      * restore
        lea     buf, A0     * convert floating point to ASCII
        bsr.w   int2asc
        lea     buf, A1     * print output data ASCII string
        moveq   #13, D0     * Display NULL terminated string (A1) with CR, LF
        trap    #15
    addq.w  #8, A2
    bra.s   .loop

* test asc2fp, fp2asc           
    lea     cascfp, A2
    move.b  (A2), D0
    beq.s   .endl2
        move.l  A2, A1      * print input data ASCII string
        moveq   #14, D0     * Display NULL terminated string (A1)
        trap    #15
        move.l  A2, A0      * convert ASCII to floating point
        bsr.w   asc2fp
        move.l  D6, D1      * print floating point as hex number
        moveq   #16, D2
        moveq   #15, D0     * Display unsigned number in D1.L in number base of D2.B
        trap    #15
        moveq   #' ', D1
        moveq   #6, D0      * Display single ASCII char (D1.B)
        trap    #15
        lea     buf, A0     * convert floating point to ASCII
        bsr.w   fp2asc
        lea     buf, A1     * print output data ASCII string
        moveq   #13, D0     * Display NULL terminated string (A1) with CR, LF
        trap    #15
    add.w   #16, A2
    bra.s   .loop2
    moveq   #9, D0          * Terminate the program, halt simulator
    trap    #15
    SIMHALT             ; halt simulator

    dc.b    '-32768 ',0
    dc.b    '32767  ',0
    dc.b    '-1     ',0
    dc.b    '1      ',0
    dc.b    '0      ',0
    dc.b    0   * last entry
    ds.w    0   * align to even address

    dc.b    '-9.876543e-21  ',0
    dc.b    '9.876543e-21   ',0
    dc.b    '-9.876543e21   ',0
    dc.b    '9.876543e21    ',0
    dc.b    '1.000001e0     ',0
    dc.b    '1.000000e0     ',0
    dc.b    '9.999999e-1    ',0
    dc.b    '9.999998e-1    ',0
    dc.b    '3.000003e-1    ',0
    dc.b    '3.e-1          ',0
    dc.b    '-9.999999e32   ',0
    dc.b    '9.999999e32    ',0
    dc.b    '1e32           ',0
    dc.b    '-9.999999e-31  ',0
    dc.b    '9.999999e-31   ',0
    dc.b    '1e-31          ',0
    dc.b    '-1e-1          ',0
    dc.b    '1e-1           ',0
    dc.b    '-1e1           ',0
    dc.b    '1e1            ',0
    dc.b    '9.999999       ',0
    dc.b    '9              ',0
    dc.b    '-1             ',0
    dc.b    '1              ',0
    dc.b    '-0             ',0
    dc.b    '0              ',0
    dc.b    0   * last entry
    ds.w    0   * align to even address
    ds.b    16

Floating Point Bit pattern

IEEE 754 single precision:

 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|S| bias 127 exp. |  positive mantissa, MSB = 2^0, hidden bit   |

Mantissa range: 1 to 1.999..., mantissa has hidden leading bit


 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|        positive mantissa, MSB = 2^0           |
S| bias 65 exp.|

Mantissa range: 1 to 1.999...

The source code

I designed my FP conversion source code in the programming language C. Later I translated this source code by hand from C to Motorola 68000 assembler. The hand translation was iterative: I changed the C source code to make good use of the 68000 opcodes.

Subroutine asc2int

This subroutine is used in subroutine asc2fp. It is an universal ASCII to signed integer conversion. The string contains the ASCII representation of a radix 10 integer number in the range -32768 to 32767, that is 16bit signed integer. The algorithm is the traditional "multiply preliminary result by 10 and add the next digit" idea. Multiply by 10 is done with shift and addition: First, the integer is shifted one bit, that is multiply by two. Second a copy of the integer is created. The copy is shifted by 2 bits or multiplied by 4. Third the integer*2 and the integer*2*4 numbers are added. This multiply by 10 through shift and add is faster then the MULU multiply opcode of the 68000.

The 68000 has a powerful "get pointer value and increment pointer" opcode. The "move.b  (A0)+, D2" opcode is 16bits long. This is good code density. The opcodes that need an 8bit or a 16bit constant like "cmp.b   #'-', D2" are 32bits long. In average, the Motorola 68000 and Intel 8086 have the same code density. The 68000 processor has 8 32bit data registers, the 8086 has only 4 16bit data registers.

                                    *// converts ASCII string to integer [-32768 .. 32767]
asc2int:                            *int16_t asc2int(char* A0buf)
* =====================================================================
* in: A0=pointer to char
* out: D0=signed 16bit integer
* uses D0 to D3, A0
    clr.w   D0                      *    uint16_t D0v = 0;
    clr.b   D1                      *    unsigned char D1sgn = 0;
    move.b  (A0)+, D2               *    unsigned char D2la = *A0buf++;  // la = look ahead
    cmp.b   #'-', D2                *    if ('-' == D2la) {
    bne.s   .endi
        moveq   #1, D1              *        D1sgn = 1;
        move.b  (A0)+, D2           *        D2la = *A0buf++;
.endi:                              *    }
.while:                             *    while (D2la >= '0' && D2la <= '9') {
    cmp.b   #'0', D2
    bcs.s   .endw
    cmp.b   #'9', D2
    bhi.s   .endw 
        add.w   D0, D0              *        D0v <<= 1;            // do D0v *= 10; with shifts
        move.w  D0, D3              *        uint16_t D3v = D0v << 2;
        asl.w   #2, D3
        add.w   D3, D0              *        D0v += D3v;
        sub.b   #'0', D2            *        D0v += (D2la - '0');
        ext.w   D2
        add.w   D2, D0
        move.b  (A0)+, D2           *        D2la = *A0buf++;
        bra.s   .while
.endw:                              *    }
                                    *    int16_t D0w = (int16_t)D0v; // D0v and D0w can be a union
    and.b   D1, D1                  *    if (D1sgn) {
    beq.s   .endi2
        neg.w   D0                  *        D0w = 0 - D0w;
.endi2:                             *    }
                                    *    return D0w;
    rts                             *}

Subroutine int2asc

This subroutine is used in subroutine fp2asc. It is an universal signed integer to ASCII conversion for the exponent. The IEEE754 allows a radix 10 exponent from -38 to +38. My implementation only allows radix 10 exponent from -31 to +32. This reduces the conversion constant tables a little. Every tabel is maximum 256 bytes long. The C language does not know about carry flag, but the CPU has a carry flag. Therefore I wrote C functions like "sub16()" to simulate the carry flag in C. This was part of the iterations between C and assembler to get fast and correct implementation. The traditional integer to ASCII algorithm uses divide to build the output ASCII string from last digit to first digit. My subroutine uses the tabel approach: tabel (array) c0 has the digit values 10000, 1000, 100, ... as binary numbers. Instead of division, multiple subtraction is used. The same tabel approach is used in the subroutine fp2asc for the mantissa. The variable D1flag or register D0 and an if() statement implement suppressing of leading zeros.

                                    *// converts integer [-32768 .. 32767] to ASCII string
int2asc:                            *void int2asc(char* A0buf, int16_t D0e)
* =====================================================================
* in: D0=signed integer [-32768 .. 32767], A0=pointer to char
* out: nothing
* uses D0 to D4, A0, A1
    and.w   D0, D0                  *    if (D0e < 0) {
    bpl.s   .endi
        move.b  #'-', (A0)+         *        *A0buf++ = '-';
        neg.w   D0                  *        D0e = 0 - D0e;
.endi:                              *    }
                                    *    uint16_t D0n = (uint16_t)D0e;
    lea     c0, A1                  *    uint16_t* A1c0ptr = c0;
    clr.b   D1                      *    uint8_t D1flag = 0;
    moveq   #4, D2                  *    int8_t D2i = 4;
.do:                                *    do {
        moveq   #'0', D3            *        uint8_t D3digit = '0';
        move.w  (A1)+, D4           *        uint16_t D4c0val = *A1c0ptr++;
                                    *        // Assembler style unsigned division 16bit/16bit, result is D3digit
        sub.w   D4, D0              *        while (0 == sub16(D0n, D4c0val)) {
        bcs.s   .endw
            addq.b  #1, D3          *            ++D3digit;
        bra.s   .while
.endw:                              *        }
        add.w   D4, D0              *        D0n += D4c0val;   // make result positive again
        cmp.b   #'0', D3            *        if ('0' == D3digit && 0 == D1flag && D2i > 0) {
        bne.s   .endi2
        and.b   D1, D1
        bne.s   .endi2
        and.b   D2, D2
        ble.s   .endi2       
            bra.s   .dol            *            continue;   // suppress leading 0
.endi2:                             *        }
        moveq   #1, D1              *        D1flag = 1;
        move.b  D3, (A0)+           *        *A0buf++ = D3digit;
    dbra    D2, .do                 *    } while (--D2i > -1);
    clr.b   (A0)                    *    *A0buf = '\0';
    rts                             *}

Subroutine fp2regs

The 32bit IEEE754 FP number starts with one bit for mantissa sign (1 is negative mantissa), 8 bits for the exponent and 23 bits for the mantissa. The exponent is in bias 127 coding. The mantissa coding uses "hidden leading bit". The mantissa is always normalized in the range 1 to 1.999.. . The leading bit is always 1 and not in the 32bit IEEE754 number. The subroutine splits the 32bit IEEE754 number into three parts: mantissa with leading bit in register D6, two's complement exponent in register D5 and mantissa sign in register D4. A register is a variable that is not in the main memory, but in the CPU. Register operations are faster then memory operations.
The traditional approach is to have a signed mantissa in one register. This approach has pros and cons. Floating point add and subtract is easy with a two's complement mantissa. But signed multiply and signed divide are slower then their unsigned counterparts. Furthermore, the sign bit in signed mantissa looses one bit of accuracy. Last but not least, shift as replacement for divide works with unsigned numbers, but not with signed numbers: -1/2 = 0 but -1 shift right is 0xFFFFFFFF if you use "arithmetic shift right", 32bit numbers and two's complement.
A "middle" ground is to use one's complement: the number is unsigned, the sign bit is just "tacked" on. Before multiply and divide you change one's complement into unsigned number and separate sign. Before add and subtract you change one's complement into two's complement, after you change it back to one's complement.

* IEEE754 32bit to 3 registers
* =====================================================================
* in: D6=IEEE754
* out: D6=mantissa, D5=exponent, D4=sign
    move.l  D6, D5
    moveq   #0, D4
    and.l   #$0007FFFFF, D6         * mask mantissa
    bset.l  #23, D6                 * set leading mantissa bit
    and.l   #$0FF800000, D5         * mask sign, exp
    add.l   D5, D5                  * shift sign bit to X flag
    addx.b  D4, D4                  * shift X flag to bit 0
    rol.l   #8, D5                  * rotate top 8 bits to bottom 8 bits
    sub.b   #127, D5                * change bias 127 to two's complement

Subroutine regs2fp

This subroutine combines the three parts mantissa, exponent and mantissa sign into one 32bit IEEE754 FP number.

* 3 registers to IEEE754 32bit
* =====================================================================
* in: D6=mantissa, D5=exponent, D4=sign
* out: D6=IEEE754
* uses D4 to D6
    bclr.l  #23, D6                 * clear leading mantissa bit
    add.b   #127, D5                * change two's complement to bias 127
    ror.l   #8, D5                  * rotate bottom 8 bits to top 8 bits
    lsr.b   #1,D4                   * shift sign bit to X flag
    roxr.l  #1, D5                  * rotate X flag to bit 31
    or.l    D5, D6                  * combine sign, exp with mantissa

Subroutine qumul32

The Q notation is helpful for fixed point numbers. A Q 5.27 number has 5 bits for the integer part and 27 bits for the fraction part. We can express Radix 10 numbers from 0 to 31.999.. with Q 5.27. The maximum mantissa value is 9.999... and the maximum mantissa multiplier is 3.094850. The multiplication for Q numbers is like the integer multiplication. Two 32bit values result in a 64bit multiplication result. After the integer multiplication, the result is normalized (shifted) to a Q 5.27 result. The constant Ibits is 5, the constant Fbits is 27.

* unsigned 5.27 Q mul 32bit = 32bit * 32bit; D6 = D6 * D3
* =====================================================================
* in: D6=unsigned Q 5.27, D3=unsigned Q 5.27
* out: D6=unsigned Q 5.27
* uses D2, D3, D6, D7
* See Logan, O'Hara; The complete Timex TS1000 & Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly; Part B, page 41
    moveq   #0, D7
    moveq   #32, D2
    bra.s   .start
    bcc.s   .noadd
    add.l   D6, D7                  * HLHL += DEDE
    roxr.l  #1, D7                  * RR HLHL
    roxr.l  #1, D3                  * RR BCBC
    dbra    D2, .loop
* result D7=high 32bit, D6= low 32bit
                                    *    D6frac = D76facc >> Fbits;
    exg     d7, d6                  *    or swap D7, D6 and D6frac = D76facc << Ibits;
    moveq   #Ibits-1, D2
    add.l   D7, D7
    addx.l  D6, D6
    dbra    D2, .loop2
* result D6

Subroutine asc2fp

The first "tricky" subroutine. The tabel c1 or constant values array c1 contains the Q 5.27 binary values of the radix 10 digits, that is the binary value of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, .. . As every radix 10 digit is counted down to zero, the radix 2 mantissa is counted up. Again, doing multiplication "by hand" is faster then using the 68000 MULU opcode. This opcode can only multiply 16bit numbers, but the mantissa is 32bit. If the radix 10 mantissa ASCII string is 2 or greater, the radix 2 mantissa is not normalized. The "magic constants" Imask1 and Imask2 help to shift the mantissa right or left until normalized. Having a not-normalized mantissa of maximum value 9.999... is the reason for the Q 5.27 fixed point format.

                                    *// convert ASCII string -?[0-9](.[0-9]*(e-?[0-9]+)?)? to fp
                                    *// RE: ?= 0 to 1 repetition, *=0 to N repetition, +=1 to N repetition
                                    *// () block
asc2fp:                             *FPU asc2fp(char* A0buf)
* =====================================================================
* in: A0=pointer to char
* out: D6=IEEE754 floating point
* uses D0 to D7, A0, A1
                                    *    // input mantissa part -?[1-9].[0-9]*
    move.b  (A0)+, D1               *    unsigned char D1la = *A0buf++;  // la = look ahead
    clr.b   D4                      *    unsigned char D4sgn = 0;
    cmp.b   #'-', D1                *    if ('-' == D1la) {
    bne.s   .endi
        moveq   #1, D4              *        D4sgn = 1;
        move.b  (A0)+, D1           *        D1la = *A0buf++;
.endi:                              *    }
    lea     c1+4, A1                *    unsigned long *A1c1ptr = &c1[1];
    moveq   #0, D6                  *    unsigned long D6frac = 0;
    moveq   #7, D3                  *    int8_t D3i = sizeof c1 / sizeof c1[0] - 2;

.do:                                *    do {
        move.l  (A1)+, D2           *        unsigned long D2c1val = *A1c1ptr++;
        cmp.b   #'.', D1            *        if ('.' == D1la) {
        bne.s   .endi2
            move.b  (A0)+, D1       *            D1la = *A0buf++;
.endi2:                             *        }
        cmp.b   #'0', D1            *        if (D1la < '0') {
        bcs.s   .endw               *            break;
                                    *        }
        cmp.b   #'9', D1            *        if (D1la > '9') {
        bhi.s   .endw               *            break;
                                    *        }
        sub.b   #'0', D1            *        int8_t D1digit = D1la - '0';
        and.b   D1, D1              *        while (D1digit != 0) {
        beq.s   .endw2
        add.l   D2, D6              *            add32(D6frac, D2c1val);
        subq.b  #1, D1              *            --D1digit;
        bra.s   .while2
.endw2:                             *        }
        move.b  (A0)+, D1           *        D1la = *A0buf++;
    dbra    D3, .do                 *    } while (--D3i > -1);

                                    *    // input exponent part e-?[0-9]+
    clr.w   D0                      *    int16_t D0exp10 = 0;
    cmp.b   #'e', D1                *    if ('e' == D1la) {
    bne.s   .endi3
        jsr     asc2int             *        D0exp10 = asc2int(A0buf);
.endi3:                             *    }

                                    *    FPU f;
    and.l   D6, D6                  *    if (0 == D6frac && 0 == D0exp10) {     // zero 0, 0., 0.e0
    bne.s   .endi4
    and.w   D0, D0
    bne.s   .endi4
        move.b  #-Ebias, D5         *        f.e = -Ebias;
                                    *        f.f = D6frac;
                                    *        f.s = D4sgn;
        bra.s   .ret                *        return f;
.endi4:                             *    }

    sub.w   #Emin10, D0             *    uint8_t D0ndx = D0exp10 - Emin10;
    lea     c3, A0                  *    signed char D5exp = c3[D0ndx];
    move.b  0(A0, D0), D5
    lea     c2, A0                  *    unsigned long D3c2val = c2[D0ndx];
    asl.w   #2, D0
    move.l  0(A0, D0), D3
                                    *    unsigned long long D76facc = D6frac;
    jsr     qumul32                 *    qumul32(D76facc, D3c2val);
    add.l   #Rvalue, D6             *    D6frac += Rvalue;

                                    *    // normalize
    move.l  D6, D0                  *    while (D6frac & Imask1) { // mantissa to large
    and.l   #Imask1, D0
    beq.s   .endw3
        lsr.l   #1, D6              *        D6frac >>= 1;
        addq.b  #1, D5              *        ++D5exp;
    bra.s   .while3
.endw3:                             *    }
    move.l  D6, D0                  *    while (0 == (D6frac & Imask2)) { // mantissa to small
    and.l   #Imask2, D0
    bne.s   .endw4
        add.l   D6, D6              *        D6frac <<= 1;
        subq.b  #1, D5              *        --D5exp;
    bra.s   .while4       
.endw4:                             *    }
    lsr.l   #Rbits, D6              *    D6frac >>= Rbits;   // remove "rounding" bits
    jmp     regs2fp                 *    f.f = D6frac;
                                    *    f.e = D5exp;
                                    *    f.s = D4sgn;
                                    *    return f;

Subroutine fp2asc

The second "tricky" subroutine. This time, the mantissa multiplication can give radix 10 mantissa underrun or overrun. Underrun is an ASCII string starting with 00.xxxx, overrun is an ASCII string starting with Xx.xxxx where X is a digit between 1 and 9. The subroutine performs a mantissa multiplication by suppressing leading zero, a mantissa division by moving the decimal point. The radix 10 exponent gets decreased or increased accordingly.
Another trick is in the c4 and c5 tables. Only every fourth radix 2 exponent value has an entry to reduce tables size. I call this "pseudo radix 16". Before mantissa multiplication, mantissa and exponent are shifted to "pseudo radix 16" exponents. The "pseudo radix 16" is another reason for Q 5.27 size of the mantissa.

                                    *// convert floating point to ASCII string
fp2asc:                             *void fp2asc(char* A0buf, FPU D6f)
* =====================================================================
* in: A0=pointer to char, D6=IEEE754 floating point
* out: nothing
* uses D0 to D7, A0, A1
    jsr     fp2regs                 *    unsigned long D6frac = f.f;
                                    *    signed char D5exp = f.e;
                                    *    unsigned char D4sgn = f.s;
    and.b   D4, D4                  *    if (D4sgn) { // 1
    beq.s   .endi
        move.b  #'-', (A0)+         *        *A0buf++ = '-';
.endi:                              *    }  // 1
    cmp.b   #-127, D5               *    if (-127 == D5exp && 0x800000 == D6frac) { // 2
    bne.s   .endi2
    cmp.l   #$0800000, D6
    bne.s   .endi2
        move.b  #'0', (A0)+         *        *A0buf++ = '0';    // output FP zero
        clr.b   (A0)                *        *A0buf = '\0';
        rts                         *        return;
.endi2:                             *    }  // 2

.while:                             *    while ((unsigned char)D5exp & 3) { // change radix 2 exponent to pseudo radix 16
    move.b  D5, D4  * don't destroy D5
    and.b   #3, D4
    beq.s   .endw
        add.l   D6, D6              *        D6frac <<= 1;
        sub.b   #1, D5              *        --D5exp;
    bra.s   .while
.endw:                              *    }
    asl.l   #Rbits, D6              *    D6frac <<= Rbits;  // add "rounding" bits

    sub.b   #Emin2, D5              *    D5ndx = (D5exp - Emin2) >> 2;       // get index of radix 2 to radix 10 constants
    lea     c4, A1                  *    unsigned long D3cfrac = c4[D5ndx];  // get radix 2 to radix 10 mantissa multiplier
    move.l  0(A1, D5), D3
    lsr.b   #2, D5                  *    int8_t D0cexp = c5[D5ndx];          // get radix 10 exponent
    lea     c5, A1
    move.b  0(A1, D5), D0
                                    *    unsigned long long D76facc = D6frac;
    jsr     qumul32                 *    qumul32(D76facc, D3cfrac);            // change mantissa from radix 2 to radix 10
    add.l   #Rvalue2, D6            *    D6frac += Rvalue2;

                                    *    // output mantissa part
    moveq   #Digits, D2             *    int8_t D2digits = Digits;
    clr.b   D1                      *    uint8_t D1flag = 0;
    lea     c1, A1                  *    unsigned long* A1c1p = c1;
    moveq   #-1, D4                 *    for (int8_t D4i = -1; D4i < D2digits; ++D4i) {  // start at -1 because "real" output is 0X.XXXXXX
    cmp.b   D2, D4
    bge.s   .endf
        move.b  #'0', D3            *        int8_t D3digit = '0';
        move.l  (A1)+, D5           *        unsigned long D5c1val = *A1c1p++;
        sub.l   D5, D6              *        while (0 == sub32(D6frac, D5c1val) && D3digit < '9') { // fix 5.04:0000e-1 output
        bcs.s   .endw2
        cmp.b   #'9', D3
        bcc.s   .endw2
            addq.b  #1, D3          *            ++D3digit;
        bra.s   .while2
.endw2:                             *        }
        add.l   D5, D6              *        add32(D6frac, D5c1val);  // make result positive again
                                    *        // without D1flag, output can be 00.Xxxxxxx, 0X.xxxxxx or Xx.xxxxx
                                    *        // pseudo mul10, div10 by suppress leading zero or move dot. Correct radix 10 exponent
        move.b  D3, (A0)            *        *A0buf = D3digit;
        and.b   D1, D1              *        if (0 == D1flag) {  // 3
        bne.s   .endi3
            cmp.b   #'0', D3        *            if (D3digit != '0') { // 4
            beq.s   .endi4
                moveq   #1, D1      *                D1flag = 1;
                addq.w  #1, A0      *                ++A0buf;
                move.b  #'.', (A0)+ *                *A0buf++ = '.';   // output dot after first non zero D3digit
                sub.b   D4, D0      *                D0cexp -= D4i;    // D4i=-1 pseudo div10, D4i=1 pseudo mul10
                add.b   D4, D2      *                D2digits += D4i;  // D4i=-1 one mantissa digit less, D4i=1 one mantissa digit more
.endi4:                             *            } // 4
            bra.s   .forl           *            continue;
.endi3:                             *        } // 3
        addq.w  #1, A0              *        ++A0buf;
    addq.b  #1, D4
    bra.s   .for
.endf:                              *    }
    and.b   D0, D0                  *    if (D0c5val) {  // 5
    beq.s   .endi5
                                    *        // output exponent part
        move.b  #'e', (A0)+         *        *A0buf++ = 'e';
        ext.w   D0
        jmp     int2asc             *        int2asc(A0buf, D0c5val);
                                    *        return;
.endi5:                             *    } // 5
        clr.b   (A0)                *    *A0buf = '\0';
        rts                         *}

Structured Programming and never nester

My C source code uses "break", "continue" and "multiple return". Some say, this is no more structured programming, specially multiple return is evil. I say, as long as every block has one entry and one exit, it is structured. I agree, break, continue and multiple return are C language features that are seldom used. But they are useful, specially if you are a "never nester" programmer. By the way, there is no "else" in a never nester programmers source code.

Little assembler tricks

The ASP68K PROJECT collected assembler tricks to save program space or execution time. If a "jump subroutine" is directly followed by a "return subroutine", you can replace the two opcodes with a "jump":

jsr     int2asc
jmp     int2asc

You can save space by replacing "jsr" with "bra.w" and "jmp" by "bra.w", if the target is in 16bit signed distance:
Note: the EASy68K assembler does this itself, if the jsr or jmp goes to lower address.

jsr     asc2int  
jmp     regs2fp
bsr.w     asc2int
bra.w     regs2fp

If only one bit is to set or clear, the "bset" or "bclr" opcodes are shorter then "or.l" or "and.l" opcodes:

or.l    #$000800000, D6
and.l   #$0007FFFFF, D6
bset.l  #23, D6        
bclr.l  #23, D6

If the immediate value is 16bit signed, "add.w #16, A2" or "lea 16(A2), A2" opcode is shorter then "add.l   #16, A2":

add.l   #16, A2   

add.w   #16, A2
lea     16(A2), A2

The "add Dx, Dx" opcode executes faster then the "asl #1, Dx" opcode:

asl.w   #1, D0
asl.l   #1, D5
asl.l   #1, D7
add.w   D0, D0
add.l   D5, D5
add.l   D7, D7

The "addx Dx, Dx" opcode executes faster then the "roxl #1, Dx" opcode:

roxl.b  #1, D4
roxl.l  #1, D6
addx.b  D4, D4
addx.l  D6, D6

The "addq.w #n, Ax" opcode executes faster then the "addq.l #n, Ax" opcode:

addq.l  #8, A2
addq.l  #1, A0
addq.w  #8, A2
addq.w  #1, A0

The "moveq #0, Dx" opcode executes faster then the "clr.l Dx" opcode:

clr.l   D4    
clr.l   D7
moveq   #0, D4
moveq   #0, D7

These assembler tricks saved 8 bytes program size and 2 or 4 clock cycles per faster opcode on a 68000. A 68000 NOP needs 4 clock cycles.

Data Structures

"Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs" was Niklaus Wirth's mantra. The data structures for the FP conversion subroutines are primitive. We have the tables (arrays) c0 to c5. The exponent value plus some offset (Emin10, Emin2) is used as index in these tables. Only "FORTRAN" style data structures, simple and fast!

c0 Integer constants 10000, 1000, ... for integer conversion
c1 Q constants 10.0, 1.0, ... 0.0000001 for mantissa conversion
c2 Q mantissa constants to convert exponent 10^x to exponent 2^y, values 2^Fbits * 10^x / 2^y
c3 integer exponent constants, radix 10 to radix 2, e.g. 10^0 converts to 2^0 .. 2^3
c4 Q mantissa constants to convert exponent 2^x to exponent 10^y, values 2^Fbits * 2^x / 10^y
c5 integer exponent constants, radix 2 to radix 10, e.g. 2^3 converts to 10^0 .. 10^1

The "equ" constants do not use memory, the "dc" constants do.

                                    *enum {
Digits  equ 7                       *    Digits = 7,
Ibits   equ 5                       *    Ibits = 5,
Emin10  equ -31                     *    Emin10 = -31,
Emin2   equ -108                    *    Emin2 = -108,

                                    *enum {
Ebias   equ 127                     *    Ebias = 127,                // Exponent bias
Leadbit equ $0800000                *    Leadbit = 0x800000,         // implicit/explicit leading bit
Fbits   equ 32-Ibits                *    Fbits = 32 - Ibits,         // proper mantissa bits
Rbits   equ Fbits-23                *    Rbits = Fbits - 23,         // rounding bits
Rvalue  equ $086/2                  *    c1[7]/2-1
Rvalue2 equ $0D/2                   *    c1[8]/2
Imask1  equ $0F0000000
Imask2  equ $0F8000000
Smax    equ 14                      *    Smax = 14,                  // max DCM String len

c1:                                 *unsigned long c1[] = {
    dc.l    $050000000, $08000000, $0CCCCCD, $0147AE1, $020C4A, $0346E
    dc.l    $053E, $086, $0D

c2:                                 *unsigned long c2[] = {
    dc.l    $081CEB33, $0A2425FF, $065697C0, $07EC3DB0, $09E74D1B, $06309031
    dc.l    $07BCB43D, $09ABE14D, $060B6CD0, $078E4804, $0971DA05, $05E72843
    dc.l    $0760F254, $09392EE9, $05C3BD52, $0734ACA6, $0901D7CF, $0B424DC3
    dc.l    $0709709A, $08CBCCC1, $0AFEBFF1, $06DF37F6, $089705F4, $0ABCC771
    dc.l    $06B5FCA7, $08637BD0, $0A7C5AC4, $068DB8BB, $083126E9, $0A3D70A4
    dc.l    $06666666, $08000000, $0A000000, $06400000, $07D00000, $09C40000
    dc.l    $061A8000, $07A12000, $09896800, $05F5E100, $07735940, $09502F90
    dc.l    $05D21DBA, $0746A529, $09184E73, $05AF3108, $071AFD4A, $08E1BC9C
    dc.l    $0B1A2BC3, $06F05B5A, $08AC7230, $0AD78EBC, $06C6B936, $08786783
    dc.l    $0A968164, $069E10DE, $08459516, $0A56FA5C, $06765C79, $0813F398
    dc.l    $0A18F07D, $064F964E, $07E37BE2, $09DC5ADB

c4:                                 *unsigned long c4[] = {
    dc.l    $018A6E322, $03F1BDF1, $064F964E, $0A18F07D, $01027E72F, $0295BE97
    dc.l    $0422CA8B, $069E10DE, $0A968164, $010F0CF06, $02B5E3AF, $04563918
    dc.l    $06F05B5A, $0B1A2BC3, $011C37938, $02D79884, $048C2739, $0746A528
    dc.l    $0BA43B74, $012A05F20, $02FAF080, $04C4B400, $07A12000, $0C350000
    dc.l    $013880000, $03200000, $05000000, $08000000, $0CCCCCCD, $0147AE148
    dc.l    $0346DC5D, $053E2D62, $08637BD0, $0D6BF94D, $015798EE2, $036F9BFB
    dc.l    $057F5FF8, $08CBCCC1, $0E12E134, $016849B87, $039A5653, $05C3BD52
    dc.l    $09392EE9, $0EC1E4A8, $0179CA10D, $03C72402, $060B6CD0, $09ABE14D
    dc.l    $0F79687B, $018C240C5, $03F61ED8, $065697C0, $0A2425FF, $01039D666
    dc.l    $02989D2F, $042761E5

c0:                                 *uint16_t c0[] = {
    dc.w    10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1

c3:                                 *signed char c3[] = {
    dc.b    -103, -100, -96, -93, -90, -86, -83, -80, -76, -73, -70, -66
    dc.b    -63, -60, -56, -53, -50, -47, -43, -40, -37, -33, -30, -27
    dc.b    -23, -20, -17, -13, -10, -7, -3, 0, 3, 7, 10, 13
    dc.b    17, 20, 23, 27, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43, 47, 50, 53
    dc.b    56, 60, 63, 66, 70, 73, 76, 80, 83, 86, 90, 93
    dc.b    96, 100, 103, 106

c5:                                 *signed char c5[] = {
    dc.b    -33, -31, -30, -29, -28, -26, -25, -24, -23, -22, -20, -19
    dc.b    -18, -17, -16, -14, -13, -12, -11, -10, -8, -7, -6, -5
    dc.b    -4, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
    dc.b    11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24
    dc.b    25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34


My floating point conversion subroutines for Motorola 68000 come forty years late. In 1986, each of my friends had an ATARI ST 520. We enhanced the 520 from 512KByte RAM to 1MByte, added a floppy disk and later 20MByte hard disk. My hard disk had even 30 MByte, thanks to a RLL hard disk controller. I used the very fine Lattice C compiler. Only after programming C on 8088 MS-DOS "boxes" I realized how nice 32bit address pointers are and how fine the "real time" behavior of TOS was compared to MS-DOS. Atari ST can do real time MIDI ...

FP conversion Algorithms (program) size is 540 Bytes
FP conversion Data Structures (constants) size is 646 Bytes

Further work

Next steps for a full 68000 FP package are implementation of fpadd, fpsub, fpmul and fpdiv. The 1981 "MC68343 FLOATING POINT FIRMWARE" assembler source code is again available. This FP package was used in Commodore Amiga ROM. The DTACK GROUNDED newsletter, beginning in 1981, has a lot of information about this topic, too. The transcendental functions like sin and cos can be approximated by series expansion (Microsoft Altair BASIC, Sinclair ZX81 BASIC) or by CORDIC (HP35, Motorola FFP). See my CORDIC implementation in Z80 assembler document. See also my square root implementation in C language document.


File contains the C version of the program, the 68000 assembler version and a C program to create the tables c1 to c5.


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